Can't Wait to see You again

Hi, Dear all, Happy 2011!

If you see this cat following your blog, don't be shock, Yes! it's me - antleeli = protoworkannie. How come?

Yeah! a long story since I left you last year. I was keep on writing post in Cocoa Design Life in another account but also keep on reading/leave comment to your post from this account. The feeling is strange due to different language used, in different blog environment (one is more personal while the other is more designwise).

Sometimes after reading your blogs, I miss a lot - the pleasure of writing personal blog. Although it's only 3 months vanish, it seems long. Somedays I want to share with you of the Winter come, or the new challenge I've met, it's not easy any more. I understanding now, why some bloggers said, they need a break, but will not stop blogging......true, once you've started, it's hard to leave because you will remember, remember all the warmth here.

Finally, I make a decision, let's combine them.Why not? Coffee Break should be part of our design life. So I just ember it into our new blog as a new series, then I can start writing again in"MY COFFEE BREAK".

I still trying to improve my layout, so both my English or Chinese readers can find the blogs they want easily. From now on, I am really leaving this site but meet you in Cocoa Design Life, hope to see you there.

Thanks everyone, especially the lovely template provider Deluxe Templates - EZwpthemes.
Bless you all :)


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