內地公幹101 Business Trip in China 101

很多人也會往內地公幹, 特別是香港回歸中國之後. 幾年前我也常在一兩天之內往返國內不同城市工作, 以一個不常出門的女子, 實在遇到不少問題. 但經過一段實戰之後, 也有少許心得想與你們分享.

1) 查明當地天氣, 因為中國城市日夜溫差很大, 有時可以相差10度, 絕對影響所需要準備的衣物.

2) 你所乘坐的航空公司決定你是否要先在上機前吃點東西. 經驗告訴我除港龍外(非中航 co-share freight), 如其他的航空公司, 還是預先吃一點點好. 特別如果你是一個愛咖啡的人.

3) 不要以為一個人坐在窗邊便不會被打擾, 其實坐在通道邊不但出入及進餐比較方便, 遇到旁邊的客有問題, 如嘔吐或鬧事, 閃避也容易一點.

4) 如國內航班, 請務必帶備濕紙巾, 薄荷膏, 口罩, 因為空調往往比較差.

5) 行李盡量輕便, 不用寄倉可避免遺失及漫長的等待時間, 特別往國內, 這種事情足以摧毀你整個行程, 切記!

6)  找換, 接送, 住宿等盡量在離境前安排妥當. 不要浪費時間在當地機場與當地人周旋; 除非你有大量時間, 金錢及冒險精神.

7) 如必要乘坐計程車, 不要把行李放在行李箱, 還是放在身邊坐位上好. 這樣不會被無良司機脅持行李講價.

8) 車時要行大路, 即使司機提議也不要貪快行捷徑.

9) 緊記抄下車牌, 並肯定收費錶已啓動.

10) 行車時不要睡覺, 留意路線及路標.

好, 暫且說到這裡, 下次再談.

Many of you will need to have business trip in China, especially when Hong Kong was returned, I used to have this short trips rapidly in some years ago. As a lady not had much experience from the beginning, I gained some lessons after those "on site training"and would like to share some tips with you.

1) Make sure you counter check the weather of your target cities, the temperature can varies more that 10 degree Celsius from day to night time, especially to the cities located in the North of China, like Beijing. Your luggage should have proper clothing 

2) According to my experience, if you are not fly with Dragon airline (the non co-share flight with China Airline), but all others from Hong Kong, you better eat something you like before boarding; especially for those who need coffee. 

3) If you are alone, take the seat near the aisle instead of next to window, it may be a lot more disturbance, but your great flexibility while going to washroom and dining, plus the emergency escape from trouble maker next to your seat are still worth. 

4) If you need to take the domestic flight of China, make sure you've got disinfectant wet towel, mint ointment and mask in your pocket, because the poor ventilation without these handy tool may "kill" you in a second. 

5) Hand carry luggage is the first rule, avoid disaster that happen always of luggage lost or keep on waiting at the delivery tracks till the last flight arrive to the airport. This will absolutely spoil your trip into a mess. 

6) Try to arrange all your exchange of currency, local transfer and accommodation before boarding in your own country; don't bother to make those deal in the airport when arrive China with local guys, unless you have a lot of time, money and would like to be a great explorer. 

7) If you really need to take local taxi, carry your luggage with you at the seat area and avoid putting into the storage at the back; then you will not have a chance for the bad guys to  blackmail you for more fee by locking your luggage / document. 

8) Take the usual driving path, never the short cut as suggested by the driver, even you are running out of time. 

9) Remember or mark down the taxi no at once, and make sure the driver did activate the charge meter. 

10) Don't sleep even if you are tired, try to remember the traffic route / time, especially to some landmark or road sign. It always help in case some driver wants to treat you by using a longer path to your destination.

O.K.! just up to here, may share more next time if you feel these are useful.


Dr. Patrice Smith said...

I've been wanting to take a trip there for some time now - more of a business trip. It's a bit expensive though.
I have a few questions that I may ask you in the near future.

Great tips. Thanks.

annie said...

Any questions are welcome,be my guest.

Anonymous said...

Great set of tips. No 2 would be especially important for me to remember - I cannot cope without coffee!

annie said...

Thanks. More tips coming in the future, hope this can really help.

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